Good article, but it is premised on the idea that it is expensive to produce quality food without agrichemicals. Certainly, 90% of all smaller farms operate at break even or a loss. And there is no doubt that “organic certification” is expensive and helpful for marketing.
But step back and look at the average farmer’s business. Approximately 1/3 of their total input costs are agrichemicals … perhaps the solution lies in changing the mainstream farmers costs.
They say, to a hammer everything looks like a nail — and SymSoil freely admits to a bias. But WHAT IF you could, by feeding the soil, not the plant … and have healthy soil cheaply and easily?
That the premise behind SymSoil.
We farm the indigenous soil microbes, creating a product with a full spectrum soil microbial ecosystem … which farmers can convert into compost extract (defined and discussed here). Most farmers using these methods use 20 to 50 gallons per acre per year, reducing their costs while improving their crop’s flavor, nutrient density and yield.
We invite you to learn more about SymSoil at